If you, as a tourist, prefer to spend your time in a mountain resort rather than in a coastal area or escaping the hustle-bustle of a crowded city, then Malang is the best choice.
Located approximately 90 km South of Surabaya (two hours by bus or train), it is the hub of tourist destinations : Selecta, Wendit, Sengkaling, and Batu.
The Malang region with a population of around 500.000 people is wellknown as a holiday resort since the Dutch colonial time.
The town of Malang was known since the 18th century when its coffee plantations yielded cash crops. Today tobacco and kretek clove cigarette factories add to the prosperity of its population.
The town is also a center of educational activities concentrating around the stateowned Brawijaya University.
The flower markets in the town are full of Bonsay and orchid flowers. Other objects in town worth visiting are Brawijaya Museum, The Catholic Cathedral, The Chinese temple.
Visiting the village of Batu, 17 km up to the Northwest, is really enjoyable. Among foreigners it is known as Little Switzerland, due to its natural beauty.
The village is also famous for its apple fruits and cabbage vegetable. Close to Batu (10 km) is Selecta with its swimming pool and colorful roses.
Then, Songgoriti with its curative, thermal springs and temperatures between 17 and 20 sentrigrade. The spring water contains sulphur, calsium, and salt. It may have a remedial effect for many physical illnesses.
In the historical field, the Malang area has a number of temples : Badut, Singosari, Kidal, and Jago. Badut located 5 km Southeast of the town, was built in the 18th century in honor of King Gajayana. The word 'Badut' means a joker, clown, comedian.
The Kidal is a tiny showing West Java style. It is located in the village of Reokidal, Tumpang, 24 km East of Malang. Constructed in 1260 AD the temple represents as the Penataran temple in Blitar.
The Kawi mountain, northwest of Malang, is particularly wellknown among pilgrims from Singapore and Hongkong, visiting the tomb of mbah Jugo, and requesting for blessings.
In the coastal area, South of Malang, beach of Balekambang is used for religious rite by Hindus.
Ngliyep, 62 km from Malang, is a magnificient rocky beach where the annual Labuhan (sea offering) is held.
For souvenirs, the ceramic wares and mask handicrafts at Dinoyo and Kedungmonggo villages are the right places to remind you of an unforgettable trip to the Malang region.
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