Continue Your Struggle....", that is a line and part of the message that was conveyed by the Great Commander General Sudirman, during the period of maintaining the Indonesian independence. These simple words, that contain high heroic values, are now engraved on a white marble tablet, beneath the statue of General Sudirman, right at the entrance to the Brawijaya Malang Museum.
Tourists can now commemorate the past, during the era of maintaining the national independence, at the Brawijaya Malang Museum. At almost every corner, tourists can find collections that incorporate the story, and function as witnesses of the unforgettable history. In the museum yard, or rather, on the road leading to the museum, tourists can find two tanks and three anti air attack weapons.
While entering the museum hall, in the room on the left side, there are some historical artifacts. Like the desk and chair used by General Sudirman, when he led the guerilla war in the Bajulan area of the Nganjuk Regency. And a yellow bamboo pole with the red and White tied to its tip. Other than that, are some weapons, that were used in the Battle of 10 November 1945, stored in a glass vitrine. Then the desk and chairs that were used during the cease fire negotiations, between Bung Karno accompanied by Bung Hatta, with Brigadier General Mallaby from the Allied Forces, are also kept in here.
On the walls of the museum are displayed paintings that illustrate the scene when the samurai was handed over, from the commander of the Japanese forces, to the Great Commander General Sudirman. This painting also implies that hand over of power from the colonial government to the government of The Republic of Indonesia. On the northern wall are also displayed some long fire arms, which were used by the Indonesian armed forces during the struggle for independence in 1945.
The completeness of historical artifacts in the Brawijaya Malang Museum is also evident in the west room. In this room, a rock is stored, the size of a human head, which was used by Pak Slamet (a Blitar citizen) to kill the Chairman of the Central Communist Party, Oloan Hutapea, during the Trisula Operation in South Blitar, in 1968.
"Death Coach", which became the mute witness of the cruelty of the Dutch soldiers, has been placed in the centre room of the museum. This narrow coach was used by the Dutch Soldiers, to transport 100 fighters from Bondowoso to Bubudan, in Surabaya, on November 23, 1947. Of these 100 fighters some got sick, and some even died. Actually, there are three "Death Coaches", but only one is kept in this museum.
Besides the "Death Coach", tourist can get a close look at the "Si Gigir" boat, which was used by the Jokotole Sabililah troops in the Pasongan and Prenduan, Sumenep, Madura areas, in 1947. The "Si Gigir" boat was also used by the 35th Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Chandra hasa, and 6 adjutants, to cross Paiton, Probolinggo, when they were pushed itno fights againts the suppresors.
There are still plenty of the other historical artifacts that you can witness at the Brawijaya Museum. That is why your visit to this museum will certainly be worthwhile, to obtain a portrait of the struggle of the Indonesian people in seizing and maintaining its independence
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